
brand positioning

Frequently Asked Questions About Trademark Registration

Question 1: What is trademark registration? Answer 1: Trademark registration means legally protecting the name, logo or other identifying features of a business or product. This can prevent another person or business from using the same or similar trademark and ensures that your brand is secured. Question 2: Why is trademark registration important? Answer 2: Trademark registration,…

November 3, 2023
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You can contact us to protect your brand immediately and to get trademark registration service. The trademark is a distinctive feature of your company's products or services and sets you apart from your competitors. Using creative words in trademark selection increases your trademark's chances of being unique without risking being confused with someone else's trademark. Trademark registration, recognition among customers for you and your company ...

August 11, 2020
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How should brand positioning be done?

Brands are created in the minds of potential customers before million-dollar investments. While brand positioning, all stages of brand communication must be planned correctly before implementation. One of the biggest mistakes companies make is trying to grow by imitating what their competitors are doing. We have experienced it for many years. Our customers never go to our imitations. Because no one will ever give the imitation of a jewel the value they give to the real….

December 24, 2018
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