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Wrong strategies of hotels in digital marketing activities

Digital marketing activities of hotels may not yield the desired results due to the application of wrong strategies. For this reason, there are some points that hotels should pay attention to when determining their digital marketing strategies. Here are the common mistakes hotels make in digital marketing:

  1. Focusing on the wrong target audience: When hotels do not correctly determine their target audience in their digital marketing activities, they cannot get the desired results from their campaigns. For example, when a luxury resort targets young travelers, this strategy may fail because it focuses on the wrong audience.

As Kobimedia, we help hotels determine the right target audiences. For example, we can accurately identify the target audience by determining that resort customers are usually middle-aged and upper-income, rather than young travel enthusiasts.

  1. Not creating an effective website: When hotels do not pay enough attention to the design and content of their websites, they may lose interest in potential customers visiting the sites. In addition, websites that are not mobile-friendly, open slowly, or do not provide a good user experience to visitors are another wrong strategy.

As Kobimedia, we help hotels create an effective website. We strengthen the digital assets of hotels by designing websites that are mobile-friendly, open quickly and offer a good user experience to the visitors.

  1. Implementing the wrong strategies on social media: If hotels mismanage their social media accounts, they cannot interact with their customers properly. For example, a more effective strategy is for hotels to share content that might be of interest to their customers, rather than just promoting their services.

As Kobimedia, we help hotels manage their social media accounts correctly. By sharing content suitable for the target audience, we enable hotels to gain more followers on social media and interact with their customers more effectively. Accordingly, we assist hotels in the effective planning and implementation of their online advertising campaigns.

4. Negative Reviews: A good online reputation is important for hotels to promote their brands and build trust with their target audience. However, negative reviews can negatively affect the reputation of hotels.

Kobimedia can help hotels manage their online reputation and prevent potential crises.

5. Lack of Interaction: If hotels do not engage with their target audience by simply sharing content on their social media accounts, they can have a bad impact on their digital assets. Kobimedia can help hotels actively interact on their social media accounts and respond to the needs of their target audiences.

6. Bad Online Advertising Campaigns: Hotels may fail in their digital advertising campaigns, resulting in financial loss. Investing in the wrong audience, wrong channel, wrong timing or wrong messages can make campaigns ineffective.

Kobimedia can help hotels make sure they're delivering the right message to the right audience.

Of course, so far we have focused on the mistakes that hotels make in digital marketing, as well as how Kobimedia can help. However, some real-life examples of the mistakes hotels make in their digital marketing strategies can also be valuable.

For example, a hotel chain used a slogan such as "only people who sleep in our hotel are real New Yorkers" in an advertising campaign in 2019. The use of this slogan met with a great reaction as it conveyed a discriminatory and exclusionary message to the public. These negative reactions on social media caused the campaign to fail and damaged the brand's reputation.

Similarly, in 2018, a hotel chain offered an unsuitable award to their target audience during a contest it held on their social media accounts. The winner of the competition would be given “free travel for one year”. However, international customers were disappointed, as the award was not specified to be valid only in US cities.

Such mistakes are just a few examples of the mistakes hotels make in their digital marketing strategies. For this reason, it is important for hotels to get professional help to manage their digital marketing strategies correctly and to communicate better with their target audience.

Digital marketing strategies of hotel businesses are very important for the success of the business. However, mistakes made in this area can also have negative consequences. As Kobimedia, we identify the mistakes that hotel businesses can make in the field of digital marketing and offer the right solutions. In this way, hotel businesses can provide better service to their customers, increase their online presence and gain a competitive advantage in the sector. As Kobimedia team, we are always with you to get the help and support you need in the field of digital marketing.

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